
I graduated in 2014 (B.S.) from Shandong University and started my master life here in Interdisciplinary Research Center (IRC)

Here are some of the products I worked on. Interest?

video stablization Screenshot

video stablization

Video Stablization

My role: Developer

This is my first graphic course project, the purpose of this project is perform a stabilization approach for input shaking video.

Technologies: stabilization, video processing, opencv

[code]   [video]  

Mocap data segmenntation language Screenshot

Mocap data segmenntation language

My role: Developer

This is my undergraduate thesis, this project focus on human mocap data segmentation, given a serious of motion data, state-of-art algorithm can segment out distinct kind of motions, however, most of time we prefer a hirarchical segmentation, which means firstly different kind of motion is cut out, then for each class of motion, the repetitive cycle also should be recognized. In this paper, I'll introduce a attempt for hirarchical Mocap data segmentation method.

Technologies: Mocap data, segmentation, matlab

[paper]   [in chinese]

Interested? Here's my Github let's get in touch.